Intervention strategies far pedagogic intervention in occupational training framed in the Productive and Socio-Community Model


  • Jacqueline Ninoska Aguayo Ugarte



Secondary education, Educational strategies, Pedagogical intervention, Vocational training


Training in tuition is essential to establish the university link to the career that the student wishes to apply for. Therefore, the work is framed in establishing strategies of pedagogical intervention of the currículum for vocational training in relation to the Productive Socio­Community Model, from the profiles or life projections towards the skills and aptitudes potential of the students, being a pillar
Fundamental Curricular Development Plans from lst to 6th of Secondary Community Productive that triggers the concretization of its elements, taking into account as starting the Socio­productive Project befo re the activities proposed in the methodological guidelines in practice, theory, valuation, production, materia Is and resources and evaluation criteria. These elements are part of a classroom planning that the teacher requires to make possible the intervention strategies of the curricula; therefore, having a plan connected to the basic curricula (contextualized through practica[ strategies of contact with the reality of learning and experimentation), we will be a ble to emphasize a profile of professional life according to their human capacities to achieve direct vocational training in higher education careers until its completion. The article aims to contribute to the Plurinational Education System of the regulareducation subsystem, at the leve[ of Community Productive Secondary that is from first to sixth, strategies that project the intervention in the curriculum of Law 070; through the choice or connection of life projects, choosing a university career according to their reality.


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How to Cite

Aguayo Ugarte, J. N. (2017). Intervention strategies far pedagogic intervention in occupational training framed in the Productive and Socio-Community Model. Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(23).



Scientific Paper