Financial analysis as a tool far decision making. Case: Business Simulation Game far sport faotwear company Enjoy


  • Lizeth Vania Sandóval Velásquez



Financial analysis, Business, Financial management, Financial indicators


This paper describes the performance of the business simulation game The Business Game Strategy that recreates the sports footwear industry worldwide. For this version had the participation of 7 companies that competed in the market, these companies were performing Operations over 10 years, starting in year 11 ali the new management teams will oversee the management of each company for 8 more years, among which is the Enjoy company that was the leader company of the company. Sector during almost ali the years in which the new managements should make the decisions, besides that the company Enjoy obtained the first place in the business game. In the work one can know the strategies used during the decisions of each year, the lessons learned and the results of the same, it is possible to know the state of the competing companies and if they were a ble to reach the expectations of the investors who are the parameters that are taken to qualify companies, can also be verified through an analysis of the financia[ state of the company case study, as it is financially speaking, shortcomings and strengths, know the evolution of accounts year after year, the analysis of the financia[ indices is also carried out to determine the levels of liquidity, leverage, profitability and activity and take actions according to results.


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Thompson, A. y Miller, J. (2017). The Business Strategy Game. EE.UU.: Me Graw Hill Education, lnc.

Hernández, R., Fernández, C. y Baptista, P. (2010). Metodología de la investigación Sta edición. México D.F.: Me Graw Hill/lnteramericana editores, S.A.



How to Cite

Sandóval Velásquez, L. V. (2017). Financial analysis as a tool far decision making. Case: Business Simulation Game far sport faotwear company Enjoy. Revista Compás Empresarial, 8(23), 12–15.



Scientific Paper