Particularities of students with High Capacities at the university level


  • Alfredo Hannover Serrudo



High capacities, Educational quality, Intelectual capacity, Educational support


This work has focused on giving an educational response to students with High Capacities, because society cannot afford the luxury on this century of keeping them from receiving a level of education that they deserve, as kind of social injustice that this would mean and for the waste of not having them with a good education. Our future as a society and as a country depends on the advances in knowledge, being and decision making, that implies that education. The investigation it is framed in the Law of Education 070/2010 in the part of highereducation with a view from the inclusive processes for the diversity of human talent.


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How to Cite

Hannover Serrudo, A. (2018). Particularities of students with High Capacities at the university level. Revista Compás Empresarial, 9(24), 22–29.



Scientific Paper