Determinants that affect the linkage of local suppliers to global value chains of multinational electronics companies located in Jalisco, Mexico


  • Angélica Basulto Castillo
  • Enrique Cuevas Rodríguez
  • Claudia Patricia Mendoza Ramírez



Global value chain, Local suppliers, Multinational corporations


The objective of this paper is to determine which  variables -related to productive attributes- have allowed local companies to link efficiently with global value chains, where the subsidiaries of multinational companies located in the state (department) of Jalisco, Mexico operate. A cross-sectional econometric model was used with data from a survey applied to owners of local supplier companies. The results showed that the determining factors to establish the productive link with multinational companies are: competitive prices, quality of the products, installed capacity, flexibility to respond to changes. in demand, size of the company and support received from business organizations. 


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How to Cite

Basulto Castillo, A., Cuevas Rodríguez, E., & Mendoza Ramírez, C. P. (2018). Determinants that affect the linkage of local suppliers to global value chains of multinational electronics companies located in Jalisco, Mexico. Revista Compás Empresarial, 9(25), 47–61.



Scientific Paper