The day after the Hague: chronicle of an unexpected failure


  • Willy Waldo Alvarado Vásquez



Bolivian maritime demand, lnternational Court of Justice, Argumentation, Failure


This article is intended to reflect on the different procedural stages of the Bolivian maritime demand, from inception to the issuance of the final judgment, especially about the arguments put forward during the hearings of oral arguments during the second fortnight of March of 2018, opportunity in which the legal committees of the States engaged in the litigation were able to expose what in law is known as the "theory of the case". lt also includes a brief analysis of the overall conclusions of the judgment of 01 October 2018.


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How to Cite

Alvarado Vásquez, W. W. (2018). The day after the Hague: chronicle of an unexpected failure . Revista Compás Empresarial, 9(25), 6–19.



Reflection Research Paper