Student participation in the teaching performance evaluation process as a facilitator for improving educational quality Univalle Dental Clinic


  • Marco Antonio Zurita Rengel Clínica Odontológica Univalle



Educational quality. Evaluation. Teaching performance.


The aim of this study was to analyze the educational evaluation process of teaching performance by measuring a greater participation of students in this process, which will allow a model design to enable the educational quality improvement at the Dentistry Department, which corresponds to the population selected for research.

The methodological approach of the study was quantitative from the point of view of the positivist paradigm; to obtain data, the technique of quantitative observation and measurement were used, which in turn made the analysis of the information possible.

The conclusions showed that the current teacher evaluation process, indeed, has shortcomings because the participation of the student is not contemplated in the entire process, this refers from the formulation of the model itself to the meta-evaluation. The data established the intention of the students to be involved, since certain criteria of the teaching-learning process under consideration are currently not contemplated, it would make it possible to provide feedback on the educational dynamics used by the teacher, which would have repercussions in the improvement of educational quality and, therefore, in the training of professionals who respond to the society demands.


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How to Cite

Zurita Rengel, M. A. . (2020). Student participation in the teaching performance evaluation process as a facilitator for improving educational quality Univalle Dental Clinic. Revista Compás Empresarial, 11(31), 75–93.



Scientific Paper