The actual teaching style is facing a technological disruption


  • Paúl Renán Balderrama Villazón



lnformation and communication technology (ICT), New generations, Educators, Teaching learning, Creating value, lnnovation and experience


Communication technologies are affecting higher education teaching methods. The new generation of students brings with them differente values, perceptions and habits compared to those of later generations, which in turn, demand new styles of teaching. Educators must add new competencies to el ose the current digital gap between their students, in arder to regain their role as guides and experts capa ble of solving their academic needs. lts important to propase new teaching strategies that not only use information and communication technologies, but also expand and innovate over these. This new perspective on education must not be limited to known and stablished techniques; exploration and the addition of trending multimedia platforms and social networks must be considered when picking the best tool to capture and stimulate the students interest. Nowadays, teaching models worldwide no longershape around classic teaching methods, but around the student 's needs.


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How to Cite

Balderrama Villazón, P. R. (2019). The actual teaching style is facing a technological disruption. Revista Compás Empresarial, 11(28), 28–33.



Reflection Research Paper