Urban problems in Mexico City and its warning for urban planification in Bolivia


  • Mauricio Jhonatan Clavija del Carpio
  • Mirian Gabriela Barja Amusquivar




Urban Planification, Demographic increase, Life quality


As a result of the academic and personal experience at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), this article aims to highlight the main problems that the current dynamics of Mexico City (CDMX) entails. Firstly, CDMX from its pre-Hispanic origins to the contemporary era. Secondly, the  current problems ca u sed by demographic growth, and finally, the current models of planning in Bolivia. The analysis aims to demonstrate the risks that the excessive urban growth of the CDMX representas a model projection far the cities of Santa Cruz and El Alto.


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How to Cite

Clavija del Carpio, M. J., & Barja Amusquivar, M. G. (2019). Urban problems in Mexico City and its warning for urban planification in Bolivia . Revista Compás Empresarial, 11(28), 6–13. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758960.v11i28.794



Reflection Research Paper