Determination of the most efficient urban and peri-urban production system to produce vegetables and other plant species


  • Fernando Ariel Zapata Urey Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Monica Natali Universidad Privada del Valle



Divided plot. Treatment. Vegetable.


In this paper, the experimental results obtained in the production of vegetables and other plant species will be exhibited, by combining 3 urban production methods with 4 plant species, with the main objectives: a) to determine which is the most efficient urban agricultural production system; and b) to establish technical production parameters for cultivated agricultural species; developing research work at the Universidad Privada del Valle – Tiquipaya Campus, at the Gastronomy Degree Department. The work used as plant material: apple tomato (Solanum lycopersicum); Chinese pea (Pisum Sativum L.); kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica); purple basil (Ocimum sanctum L.). While the production systems analyzed were: square foot; circular and traditional, combining both factors through the experimental model: “Design of completely random blocks with divided plots arrangement”. A total of 12 treatments with two repetitions were obtained. With the application of this model, it was established that after 6 months of greenhouse work, the square foot production system is the one with the best productive performance, since it presented higher yield values ​​per plant.


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How to Cite

Zapata Urey, F. A., & Natali, M. (2020). Determination of the most efficient urban and peri-urban production system to produce vegetables and other plant species. Revista Compás Empresarial, 11(31), 32–74.



Scientific Paper