Cultural manifestations in a migratory context: Chaguaya, Copacabana and Urkupiña. Three Bolivian Migrant Virgins in Argentina.

Chaguaya, Copacabana and Urkupiña. Three Bolivian Migrant Virgins in Argentina.




Bolivian migration, Migrant Virgin, culture and migration, transnational flows, cultural manifestations


This article establishes a review of three studies focused on cultural manifestations in a migratory context. It analyzes how cultural production in these contexts represents a bridge and a dynamic element between cultures: Urkupiña, La Virgen migrante by Marta Giorgis, exposes how through the transnationalization of part of the migrant community, the Virgin has incorporated new elements of reciprocity with her devotees; Juan Armando Guzmán, highlights how from the celebration of the Virgin the vision of the world generated in origin is shared; María Alicia Serafino, analyzes through the festivity, the relations between Bolivian migrants and the local inhabitants from an anthropological perspective. It is important to highlight that the selected studies include in-depth interviews as data collection tools, except for one, which works through a field experience. The objective is to know how and in what way cultural manifestations are put into practice in a migratory context. It focuses on cultural manifestations as a contribution to the maintenance of culture beyond the limits of the country of origin. In the cases reviewed, the relationships between cultures and the links they generate transcend national and cultural borders.


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Guzmán, J. A. (2006). Una festividad religiosa como signo de identidad, migrantes bolivianos en Jujuy. Cuadernos de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Jujuy, (31), 53-66. Jujuy, Argentina.

Hernández, G. (2010). Relatos de vida y religiosidad popular. Origen y sentidos de la fiesta de la Virgen de Urkupiña en Bahía Blanca. Revista Cultura & Religión, 4(2), 147-165. Bahía Blanca, Argentina.

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How to Cite

Carrero Ruiz, E. (2022). Cultural manifestations in a migratory context: Chaguaya, Copacabana and Urkupiña. Three Bolivian Migrant Virgins in Argentina.: Chaguaya, Copacabana and Urkupiña. Three Bolivian Migrant Virgins in Argentina. Revista Compás Empresarial, 13(35), 6–19.


