Competences development in competences management for university professors


  • Oscar Mauricio Avilés Jiménez Universidad Privada del Valle



Competition. PMI. PMBoK. Projects. Teaching.


This article attempts to reflect on the teaching competencies that are necessary to turn these “actors” into configurators of prolific professional training scenarios, through the use of projects and good practices promoted by the Project Management Institute - PMI®, therefore, from that position, they are the promoters of practical experiences that incorporate these collective knowledge and experiences in a new work culture based on projects. Also, the competency approach is linked from the perspective of effective and efficient performance, and which are still the result of the compilation of practices developed by professionals with high levels of performance in all industries and which are comprehensively addressed through called “talent triangle”, which considers the set of technical knowledge, leadership and business analysis and strategy. Hence the importance of teachers developing competencies in Project Management, as they will definitely strengthen the approach to any academic result or product, beyond discipline, with such basic and fundamental gestures that could range from clearly defining the “scope” of each project until a timely management of deadlines or compliance with the planned times.


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Universidad Privada del Valle. Compás Empresarial nro. 26 del 3er. Cuatrimestre de 2018.



How to Cite

Avilés Jiménez, O. M. (2020). Competences development in competences management for university professors. Revista Compás Empresarial, 11(30), 5–25.



Reflection Research Paper