Methodology for the elaboration of micro-risk maps of landslides with application in Low San Antonio neighborhood


  • Madelene Rossiel Banús Urbina
  • Waldo A. Aliaga Aranda



Micro-risk, Landslides, Geomorphology


In Bolivia, landslides occur frequently, mainly in the city of La Paz, due to externa! causes (rainfall and topography), generating considerable physical and economic damages and losses in different areas; Therefore, it is necessary to update and improve risk prevention and management policies. Under this criterion and having understood that the development of risk maps is the first step for more efficient prevention and risk management, the project sought to develop a methodology for landslides at the micro-zone level, studying in detail the characteristics of a place in the La Paz city - Bolivia to know the true degree of risk it has. The proposed methodology analyzed the threat and vulnerability of the sector by classifying into areas. This was analyzed by three methods: heuristic, probabilistic and deterministic, which allowed obtaining three different micro-hazard maps when combined with the vulnerability map. The work was developed with field information, topography of the a rea and subsequently assessments and analysis from the month of May to December of 2017. The methodology was applied in the Low San Antonio neighborhood of the city of La Paz, which was subject to landslides, obtaining with great precision the different degrees of risk in the area.


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How to Cite

Banús Urbina, M. R., & Aliaga Aranda, W. A. (2019). Methodology for the elaboration of micro-risk maps of landslides with application in Low San Antonio neighborhood. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 15(46), 6–33.



Scientific Paper