Cochabamba: a sustainable city?


  • Janeth Gilda Miranda Cabrera
  • Ruth Nely Cachaca Tapia
  • Carola Miranda Sánchez



Sustainable city, Sustainable architecture, Environment, Curitiba


The present article is of reflective character, which approaches the thematic sustainable city, sin ce it is one of the most studied themes in recent times. This work is an attempt to understand the dynamics of cities and their relationship with sustainable/sustainable development from the approach of architecture, to give answers to the following questions such as: what is a sustainable city? what are its characteristics or principies that must be met? can any city be transformed into a sustainable city? why the importance of sustainability in today's cities? On the other hand, it is important to mention that in the development of this article reference was made to the sustainable city of Curitiba (Brazil) that served as a comparative model with the city of Cocha bamba (Bolivia), allowing this study and analysis of these two cities allow a better understanding of the direction that cities should have today, and their importance of the impact they have on societies and especially on the environment, a fundamental factor for sustainable architecture.


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How to Cite

Miranda Cabrera , J. G., Cachaca Tapia , R. N., & Miranda Sánchez, C. (2017). Cochabamba: a sustainable city? . Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(41), 24–29.



Scientific Vulgarization Paper