Polyepoxide: Relevance and Benefits.


  • Alejandra Marcia Ayala Allende
  • Nicole Cartagena Siles
  • Andrea Betina Villarpando Quaglini
  • Mikaela Pantoja Rocabado




Biocompatibility, Biomedical, Curing, Epoxy resin, Thermoset


Nowadays, thanks to the evolution of technology, we can recognize bioengineering as an area that has shown great discoveries in the medical and technological fields, for the design and creation of devices, diagnostic equipment, prosthetics, biocompatibl substitutes for therapeutic purposes, such as repair and replacement of a function or an organism part.
This paper compiles information through bibliographic review, which reveals the properties, advantages, uses and applications of epoxy resins, in order to provide different solutions through this new alternative to improve the quality of people’s life. Recognizing its thermostability and biocompatibility as the most important characteristics. The advantages of these resins are the effective adhesion and excellent moisture that they have compared to other materials.
Biomedical applications have a better response to the combination with carbon fiber. This research work developed two of the existing biomedical applications, such as: tissue engineering that refers to a bioactive composition obtained by an electrospray procedure that comprises a thermoset polymer. On the other hand, it is applied to dental models that have good dimensional stability and a better ability to reproduce fine details. We expect that this work can give way to future implementations, in order to provide different solutions through this new alternative and thus improve people's life quality.


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How to Cite

Ayala Allende, A. M. ., Cartagena Siles , N. ., Villarpando Quaglini, A. B. ., & Pantoja Rocabado, M. . (2020). Polyepoxide: Relevance and Benefits. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 16(49), 41–49. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v16i49.353



Review Paper