Drivers and Users’ Perception of the Collective Service in Colcapirhua Municipality, Cochabamba-Bolivia.


  • Ariel Pérez Guzmán
  • Joaquin Humberto Aquino Rocha
  • Carlos Rojas Sarabia
  • Jorge Humberto Diaz Maldonado
  • Sergio Rodríguez Belmonte



Improvement measures, Municipal policies, Quality of service


The collective transport service quality is evaluated through perception studies; however, there is a lack of these, mainly in Bolivia. The aim of this article is to determine the perception of users and drivers about collective transportation in the Colcapirhua Municipality, Cochabamba-Bolivia. The methodology consisted on questionnaires application for both, users and operators, in order to obtain their opinion about the collective transport service and then carry out a descriptive analysis. Users indicate, in 60%, that the service is regular, while drivers indicate, in 57%, that they provide good service. Both, users and operators consider that the Municipality of Colcapirhua is the entity in charge but is not efficient in regulating public transport services. It is necessary for the competent authorities to collect information on user satisfaction in order to create actions and policies that improve the collective transport service, generating a higher quality of life for the population.


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How to Cite

Pérez Guzmán , A. ., Aquino Rocha, J. H. ., Rojas Sarabia , C. ., Diaz Maldonado, J. H. ., & Rodríguez Belmonte, S. . (2020). Drivers and Users’ Perception of the Collective Service in Colcapirhua Municipality, Cochabamba-Bolivia. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 16(48), 6–16.



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