Food Additives Frequency in processed baby products in Cochabamba, Bolivia


  • Nelcy Aguilar Sasari Escuela Militar de Ingeniería
  • Milenka Alessandra Fernández Ledezma Escuela Militar de Ingeniería
  • Tania Araujo-Burgos Escuela Militar de Ingeniería/Universidad Privada del Valle



Baby food, Antioxidants, Colorants


Additives are necessary substances to improve the nutritional and organoleptic properties and the shelf life of processed food. In addition, their use is regulated, and it must be declared on the food labels. Thus, the objective of this research was to determine the frequency of food additives in processed baby products in Cochabamba metropolitan area (Bolivia). Data were collected by label reading and a frequency analysis was performed by additives and by functional group. 26 baby products were found where 41 food additives were identified with an occurrence of 256 times, and a mean of 9,8 additives per product. Moreover, the functional groups most widely used are antioxidants and colorants. Finally, the most frequent additives are mostly harmless, except for sodium nitrate and copper sulfate.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Sasari, N., Fernández Ledezma, M. A., & Araujo-Burgos, T. (2021). Food Additives Frequency in processed baby products in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 17(Especial), 19–27.