Urban Revitalization of the Historic Center of the City of Cochabamba


  • Mayra Pamela Bustamante Ricald
  • Griselda Blanco Aguilar
  • Antonio Peñaranda Pereira




Urban Revitalization, Patrimonial Preservation, Public Space, Urban lntervention


The purpose of this reflective article is to analyze the historie center of the city of Cocha bamba (Bolivia) through instruments of ordering, conservation, revitalization and land use throughout the urban image, emphasizing intervention in public spaces and its variables in social, cultural, ideological, political and economic manifestations, achieving the integration of the patrimonial value with the contemporaneity through elements of harmonic transition to endure in time and to benefit future generations. To do so, it reflects general visions with a holistic approach with pragmatic interpretations of the site, contributing significantly to urbanistic ideas, which meet the demands of the population and its context. lt is then that the approach points out the vulnerability of the urban image dueto the city's excessive growth, with side effects on the environmental impact, dueto atmospheric, acoustic and visual pollution that generate habitat misalignments. Therefore, the information should be systematized with proposals for strategic planning in the urban intervention, which will improve these conditions, through the revitalization and preservation of the historie center.


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How to Cite

Bustamante Ricald, M. P., Blanco Aguilar, G., & Peñaranda Pereira, A. (2017). Urban Revitalization of the Historic Center of the City of Cochabamba. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(40), 63–71. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v13i40.650



Scientific Vulgarization Paper