Recycled concrete: a technological alternative for ecological housing


  • César Rojas Montaño



Recycled concrete, Construction alternatives, Constructive elements, Reuse, Recycled Arid, Construction costs


The behavior of recycled concrete was studied in the present research work when it was replaced with different percentages of recycled coarse aggregate, coming from demolished concrete. Far this, mixtures called control concrete {HC) and test were designated as recycled concrete {HR), replacing them by different proportions in percentage of weight. In each sample, the workability, density and resistance of concrete to compression were studied. Finally, a comparative analysis was made among ali the results obtained, applied to the construction of a prototype beam, which is subjected to a series of quality and resistance controls, to demonstrate that it is possible to use it as a structural element far housing. Therefore, this article aims to summarize and assess the results obtained to be able to apply them as an alternative in the construction of houses in the area of Cercado de Cochabamba  and thus achieve progress towards the "ideal" ecological housing. This article is based on the research thesis of the Master in Technology and Construction Management, entitled "Use of recycled aggregate in the production of structural concrete for use in the construction of housing in Cochabamba", carried out at the University Mayor of San Simón in 2015. 


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How to Cite

Rojas Montaño , C. (2018). Recycled concrete: a technological alternative for ecological housing. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 14(43), 6–33.



Artículos Científicos