Problem Strategies for Achieving Competence in Teaching - Learning Process Design and Analysis of Algorithms


  • Benjamin H. Buitrago Conde



lnformation Systems, lnformation technology and communication, Analysis and design of algorithms, lnformation processing


The focus on skills for the teaching-learning process is based on three types of knowledge: learning to know, learning to do and learning to be. Problem teaching has proven effective in improving educational training in the last decades, is based on the contradiction between the known and the unknown; for structuring the content (learning to know), contributing to the formation of values (learning to be) and the students' performance (learning to be). The knowledge society requires systems more useful, accurate and effective in making good decisions. An information system processes data problem and get information that may help salve it. Computer is an information processing system of information processing which needs algorithms to process information. An algorithm is a sequence of ordered steps and unambiguously that when executed systematically will salve a problem. The main reason for the engineering student far learning analysis techniques and designing algorithms is to use the computer as a tool to salve problems. Problem solving requires at least the following steps: define and analyze the problem, design the algorithm, the algorithm transforming program, implement and validate the program.


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(1) Danilov M. A.y Skatkin M. N. Didáctica de la escuela media, Cuba, 1985.

(2) Ausebel, David The psychology of meaningful verbal learning, New York, 1963.

(3) Ortiz, Alexander Métodos y estrategias problémicas, Barranquilla Colombia, 4 de octubre de 2005,•problemicos.shtml, (17 de abril de 2014).

(4) González Walfredo y Estrada Vivian. Problematización de la enseñanza de la informática, 2 de junio de 2003,, (20 de abril de 2014)



How to Cite

Buitrago Conde, B. H. (2014). Problem Strategies for Achieving Competence in Teaching - Learning Process Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 10(32), 48–54.



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