Arquitecture and Psychology at the Individual Living Space


  • Claudia Amancay Fernández Bazoberry
  • Mercedes Angela Janco Orsolini



Architecture and creativity, Man and space, Experiential space, Perception


The aim of this article highlights the need to reconcile the views that people have when they undergo a creative artistic (architectural, aesthetic); psychological (emotions, feelings, personality) and sociological (culture, norms, values) work. This is not to approach it from the standpoint of absolute truths, nor from tacit scientific explanations; on the contrary, it should necessarily be done from an interdisciplinary view, because it lets see the same subject matter from different perspectives, providing all of them a significant part of the truth. Then is the architect who is responsible for interpreting the need and desire of man, his balance, his psychic interiority, the need for spirituality by design then build, man should thus provide the possibility that it will live experiential space , it will reflect and contain both these experiences.


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How to Cite

Fernández Bazoberry, C. A., & Janco Orsolini, M. A. (2015). Arquitecture and Psychology at the Individual Living Space. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(34), 26–31.



Scientific Vulgarization Paper