Design and implementation of the structured telecommunications cabling system "Construction the new Hospital Materno Infantil D.10 fron city of Cochabamba" for the company I.S.T. Bolivia


  • Remmy Fuentes Telleria
  • Jorge Junior Lujan Apaza



Cabling, Standards, Norm, Systems, Communication, lnfrastructure


This work aimed study is dedicated to the constituent parts of a structured cabling system of telecommunications for the design and implementation management which last took place in 2015 the Maternity Hospital of the lüth district of the city of Cochabamba. This study was planned based on international structured cabling standards for commercial buildings, and the requirements of DBC Document Data base Contracting for contracting works ("Licitación pública lra convocatoria - Construcción Bloque Nuevo Hospital Materno Infantil de Cocha bamba F-2 D.10") to the general study of structured cabling and specific study of the interna! system components, such as: distributors of building spaces or environments that make up the system, streaming media, electronic devices, passive and active elements system. In this context, technologies for communication and safety to efficiently manage the hospital infrastructure was u sed. Communication systems that were implemented in this infrastructure are: telephone and data system, system loudspeakers and music, nursing control system and CATV system. Security systems are there in the pediatric wards are: video surveillance system and fire alarm system. lt is noteworthy that the study has held the certification process and verification of the aforementioned systems, and with the documentation process for the future management of communications systems and security infrastructure has. 


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ALONSO,Nuria. (2006). Sistema de cableado estructurado. España, Madrid. Ministerio de Salud y Deportes. (2014). Norma Nacional de Caracterización de Hospitales de Segundo Nivel. La Paz: MSyD

Gobierno Autónomo Municipal de Cochabamba (2014), DBC (Documento Base de Contratación). Licitación pública Ira convocatoria - Construcción Bloque Nuevo Hospital Materno Infantil de Cochabamba f-2 d.10

Siemon (2015). Manual de capacitación del Sistema de Cableado Siemon. México. Distrito Federal.

Cisco Systems. (2003). Suplemento sobre cableado estructurado. Obtenido de



How to Cite

Fuentes Telleria, R., & Lujan Apaza , J. J. (2017). Design and implementation of the structured telecommunications cabling system "Construction the new Hospital Materno Infantil D.10 fron city of Cochabamba" for the company I.S.T. Bolivia. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(39), 22–33.



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