Technical - economic comparative analysis of rigid and flexible foundation beams for a medium height building


  • Sergio Fernando Machicado Colque
  • Marcelo Delgadillo Zurita



Foundation beams, Foundation, Technical-economic analysis


This article is a summary of a scientific research work, carried out in the month of August 2016 and completed in the month of July of the year2017. In it, a comparative technical-economic analysis of two differenttypes of foundations was carried out: initially in the obtaining of the axial solicitations that results in the modeling in the structural software ETABS (Extended Three Dimensional Analysis of Building), afterwards the calculation of stress, shear and moment stresses was calculated of the modeled structure, for this we used well-known formulas for the calculation of rigid foundations, abacusesfor the method of flexible foundation beams supported by the Spanish Standard and differential equations already developed for the method of flexible foundation beams with the Hetenyi - Timoshenko method. The reinforced concrete design of both rigid and flexible foundation beams was also made using the EHE - 08 (Structural Concrete lnstruction), this standard was used because the calculation and pre - sizing methods of the foundations are made with the Standard Spanish. Regarding the economic comparative analysis that was carried out in the research, to later get to obtain the quantities of the materia. Is that will be used in the construction of the foundations that were investigated, obtaining an economic and safe foundations made by the beam method of flexible foundation Spanish Standard using abacus.


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How to Cite

Machicado Colque, S. F., & Delgadillo Zurita, M. (2017). Technical - economic comparative analysis of rigid and flexible foundation beams for a medium height building. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 13(41), 30–39.



Scientific Paper