Reduction of CO2 emissions in the city of Cochabamba, due to the substitution of diesel minibuses for electric minibuses in urban transport

Reduction of CO2 emissions in the city of Cochabamba, due to the substitution of diesel minibuses for electric minibuses in urban transport




Greenhouse Gases, electromobility, vehicle fleet, CO2 emission, lithium-ion batteries, IPCC, electric minibuses, energy transition


This study analyzes the possibility of reducing CO2 emissions from public transport in the city of Cochabamba, through the partial replacement of diesel minibuses with electric minibuses, because in 2018 a study by the Cochabamba Municipal Transport Program depletion that the vehicle fleet is responsible for 86% of the environmental pollution in the city. Through the bibliographic review, updated data was obtained on the energy matrix, the vehicle fleet in the department, the different electromobility technologies that can easily adapt to the topography of Cochabamba, and the operating costs of these mobilities.


If there were an incentive policy and financing mechanism for the replacement of the selected sample (minibus models less than the year 2,000 and that use diesel, 1,766 vehicles) for electric minibus, the reduction of CO2 emissions calculated over the total of cars in the public transport of Cochabamba (17,526 motorized vehicles), it is approximately 7.36%.


The execution of the project would underpin the sustainable development of motor transport. It is expected that in the following years, the State will recover the substitution of combustion vehicles since air pollution increases daily and hydrocarbon reserves decrease. An additional advantage for Bolivia is that it has significant lithium reserves at the level, and is promoting its industrialization of lithium for the construction of storage systems, contributing at the same time to the global objectives of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel of Experts on Climate Change). Climate), emitting less polluting gases and the greenhouse effect.


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Author Biographies

Abigail Lupe Aguilar Yapura, Universidad Privada del Valle

Ing.  Petróleo, Gas y Energias. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia.

Miguel Fernandez Fuentes

Aseror en energía y descarbonización. Cochabamba. Bolivia


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How to Cite

Aguilar Yapura, A. L., & Fernandez Fuentes, M. (2023). Reduction of CO2 emissions in the city of Cochabamba, due to the substitution of diesel minibuses for electric minibuses in urban transport: Reduction of CO2 emissions in the city of Cochabamba, due to the substitution of diesel minibuses for electric minibuses in urban transport. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 19(Especial).