Experimental evaluation of purification methods for biogas produced from pig manure in rural biodigesters

Evaluación experimental de métodos de purificación de biogás producido a partir de estiércol de cerdo en biodigestores rurales





Biogas, Biogas contaminants, Biogas treatment, Hydrogen sulfide, Carbon dioxide


Biogas contains a mixture of gases, of whom methane is of the most interest, the rest of the contaminant gases are the product of the activity of microorganisms involved in the anaerobic digestion process. These contaminants limit the use of biogas as a fuel, especially in the generation of electrical energy. The search for alternative technologies for the treatment of biogas is of great interest to promote the use of this renewable energy source. Biogas purification methods make use of chemical and physical processes that generate polluting waste, which must be effectively managed, and the removal of CO2 often requires specialized equipment, limiting this process to industrial scale productions. Activated carbon is effective in removing contaminants but is inaccessible to rural farms due to its cost. Iron sponge is often used in domestic facilities due to the low cost and ease of access, nonetheless this method generates solid wastes that are difficult to dispose of. Commercial copper sulfate can remove hydrogen sulfate but requires adequate pressure conditions to be effective.


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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Salazar Del Pozo, Universidad Privada del Valle

Ing. Petróleo, Gas y Energías. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia

Carla Apaza Rojas , Universidad Privada del Valle

Ing. Química. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia

Ariel Sandoval Rojas, Universidad Privada del Valle

Ing.  Petróleo, Gas y Energías. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia

Jaime Hamel Fonseca, Universidad Privada del Valle

Lic. Química. Univalle. Cochabamba. Bolivia


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How to Cite

Salazar Del Pozo, L. F., Apaza Rojas , C., Sandoval Rojas, A., & Hamel Fonseca, J. (2023). Experimental evaluation of purification methods for biogas produced from pig manure in rural biodigesters: Evaluación experimental de métodos de purificación de biogás producido a partir de estiércol de cerdo en biodigestores rurales. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 19(Especial). https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v19iEspecial.947