Behavior and analysis of insolation and solar irradiation of the Uru-Chipaya andean housing

Revaluation of ancestral knowledge of andean architecture from digital simulations


  • Grover Pozo Ledo Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo UTO



Andean dwelling, Ancestral knowledge, Bioclimatic, Solar Behavior


The architecture of the Uru-Chipayas houses is considered a representative legacy of the Andean culture, which has been able to transcend time and preserve its cultural features to the present day. The Putukus and the Wayllichas are considered today as symbols of an Andean identity that, due to their constructive characteristics, their shape and simplicity have attracted the attention of experts not only in the anthropological, semiotic, or epistemological field, but also because of the bioclimatic quality of its own vernacular architecture.

Under this last precept, the objective was to revalue the ancestral knowledge of Andean Uru-Chipaya architecture from the bioclimatic perspective. With an analytical methodology based on digital simulations, to collect quantitative results to better understand of the behavior of sunlight exposure and solar radiation in these homes, in relation to architecture design, constructive materiality with high thermal resistance and cultural values of this culture. Quantitative and qualitative parameters were obtained from the study, generating guidelines imprints for the definition of new bioclimatic design criteria, with an identity of the Bolivian highlands, in addition to revaluing and disseminating the ancient Andean knowledge.


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How to Cite

Pozo Ledo, G. (2021). Behavior and analysis of insolation and solar irradiation of the Uru-Chipaya andean housing: Revaluation of ancestral knowledge of andean architecture from digital simulations. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 17(51), 6–26.



Scientific Paper