Maximum tensions calculation transmitted to the soil by isolated rectangular footing under biaxial load (Eli Czerniak method)


  • Limbert Coro Huayta
  • Marcelo Borda Reyes



Biaxial flexion, Rectangular footing, Compression stresses, Successive approximations, Central kern, Java


Ali foundations of buildings in seismic hazard zones should be analyzed in accordance with the resultant eccentric vertical load. The purpose of this work is to develop a computational application to cal cu late the biaxial distribution of pressures or tensions in the base of rigid rectangular footing by the Czerniak method (1963). Depending on the place where the vertical load resulting in footing is applied, this can be located on the one hand inside the central core and, on the other, outside it with four possible locations referringto the quadrants with respect to the centroid, thus forming five analysis zones. To establish the pressures on the contact surface, the location of the neutral axis of the system must be defined. Sin ce the position of the neutral axis is not known initially, a computational application is proposed that performs a process of successive approximations until the convergence of results establishes the percentage of area in contact with the soil surface. The execution of the calculation procedure is shown through examples.


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How to Cite

Coro Huayta, L., & Borda Reyes, M. (2019). Maximum tensions calculation transmitted to the soil by isolated rectangular footing under biaxial load (Eli Czerniak method) . Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 15(45), 62–76.



Artículo de Vulgarización Científica