Evaluación del sistema de control de gestión de la construcción e implementación de la constructabilidad en empresas constructoras de obras ci


  • Elizabeth M. Vásquez Salazar




Buildability, Process control, Construction management


Duringthe execution of projects, there are usually problems of delays in execution times, poor resources management and poor work quality, among others; generating in this way, change orders, modifying contracts and contract rescissions. To this, it is added that most entities in charge at national leve! do not have a unified methodology for the control of construction processes, on the contrary, each one handles its own format that, in sorne cases, are not useful for control and/or of people or organisms intervention who exercise the supervision and construction of the works, therefor, the objective of this study is to evaluate the management control system and implementation of the buildability in companies from Cochabamba. The methodology of the study consisted in the application of a questionnaire to key personnel of 20 construction companies in the city of Cochabamba, totaling 57 surveys. The results show that not ali the companies present an adequate management for the construction of their works and a lack of knowledge of the term "buildability"; however, most companies are willing to implement it in order to improve the productivity of their processes.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Salazar, E. M. (2019). Evaluación del sistema de control de gestión de la construcción e implementación de la constructabilidad en empresas constructoras de obras ci. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 15(45), 40–49. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v15i45.781



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