Architectural analysis (ST-PSET) of heritage former haciendas located at the historical suburbs of Sucre


  • Marcela Casso Arias



Heritage, Farms, Architecture, Analysis


This work is part of the result of an investigation carried out sin ce 2012 and the present paper pro poses and describes an analysis methodology of heritage sets, offers historical, architectural, artistic and social details, emphasizing architecture as a container for the study space, which was applied in the former estates located in the historical periphery of the city of Sucre, built during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This analysis seeks to achieve a certain experience of the past allowed by ST - PSET, in terms of Space and Time {ST) and Political, Sociocultural, Economic and Technological {PSET) aspects, which will contribute to the recognition and assessment of these former haciendas, also allowing an approach to the reality that surrounded and surrounds them. When thinking of Sucre, a city declared "World Heritage", its historical center is clearly exposed in the imaginary, however, the heritage of this city is also on the periphery where there are former heritage properties that allow the valuation of "territory" and notjust "center." The reflection that this historical analysis exposes, pro motes the realization of historiographies with a systemic approach, that highlight the wealth of the heritage asset and prevents the loss of values resulting from new interventions, neglect and abandonment. 


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How to Cite

Casso Arias, M. (2019). Architectural analysis (ST-PSET) of heritage former haciendas located at the historical suburbs of Sucre. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 15(46), 34–45.



Scientific Vulgarization Paper