Digitalization system for dental radiographic plates processing and clinical historials administration - X-Odontic


  • Juan Pereira



Digitalization of plates, Digital image processing, Clinical history, lnformation management


Currently, the use of X-rays for the diagnosis of dental pathologies is very common in environments such as dental offices and dental practice centers. However, it is normal that this activity is carried out in a traditional way, that is, placing the x-rays on the negatoscope without any type of image treatment. In addition, in these places, the management of clinical records is still performed on paper, which can cause an excessive accumulation. The X-Odontic allows to carry out the mentioned tasks together. lt consists of a hardware that allows to sean the radiographic plates, regardless of their size, using a conventional webcam, and a negatoscope, that allows the user to obtain the appropriate image for further treatment. lt also has software to record ali the data of the patient's clinical history, hardware control (selection of the plate size and brightness of the negatoscope) and has digital image processing tools for the plates that have been digitized. In addition, there are options for creating and editing images under the DICOM standard and creating clinical histories under the HL7 standard.


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How to Cite

Pereira, J. (2018). Digitalization system for dental radiographic plates processing and clinical historials administration - X-Odontic. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 14(42), 38–43.



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