Design of a Test Bench for Simulation of Impact Energy Absorption in a Main Landing Gear Boeing 737-300


  • Narda Estefany Sánchez Castellón



Testing Bench, Energy Absorption, lmpact, Regulation FAR 23.723, Simulation, Landing Gear


This paper presents the methcds and calculations of the design of an energy absorption test bench for the Boeing 737-300 main landing gear. The' design of the hydraulic circuit  sirnulates the Hydraulic System A of the aircraft, it has: a · hydraulic power unit of 3Hp that supplies 15 gpm at 3000 psi, a filter of 10 pm, a reservoirof 4.8 gal, a directional solenoid valve 4/3 ways with capacity of 2 gpm, a pressure reducing valve anda double acting cylinder whose extension force is 37 KN. Complying with FAR 23.723, the design of the pneumatic , circuir applied to the structure of a the bench; has six standard cylinders whose extension force is 4.5 KN, six throttle valves, six bistable 5/2way solenoid valves. The air generation system is composed of a helical compressor from 6.334 m3/min to 10 bar; an air tank of 0.2 m3, an adsorption dryer and a DHS pressure maintenance unit. The simulation of the circuits is done through the FluidSIM® software; the control is made from electrical circuits that use push buttons, switches, relays, and solenoid valves. The structural part is limited by a simple design because the base of study of the present project is centered on the pneumatic and hydraulic design. According to the selection and quotation of the components required for the implementation of the project, it has a cost of USD56,847 (Bs396,224), including staff and assembly costs.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Castellón , N. E. (2018). Design of a Test Bench for Simulation of Impact Energy Absorption in a Main Landing Gear Boeing 737-300. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 14(43), 73–87.



Scientific Paper