Benefits and challenges of food safety management systems in Bolivia


  • Silvia Katherine Fuentes Cortés



Food Safety Management Systems, Food Safety, Certification


Even though the implementation of Food Safety Systems in Bolivia is not a new issue (even more, there is an important percentage of food enterprises, especially the ones that export, pretend to do that, or which clients require to have it, is the case of international enterprises or franchises), there are no studies that summarize the real impact of those implementation in Bolivia, like the number of enterprises that have obtained and maintain the certification and, specially, the pretended benefits and challenges that they had to cope in order to guarantee the food safety of their products by mean of any of the actually prevalent Food Safety Systems. In this way, this subjectis posed into consideration, considering the real information obtained in an informal way from severa! enterprises, as well as from the personal experience of implementation and surveillance, searching to show the principal benefits and challenges, internal and external, of the Food Safety Management Systems in Bolivia.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Cortés, S. K. (2018). Benefits and challenges of food safety management systems in Bolivia. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 14(43), 66–72.



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