Development and implementation of an alpha and beta wave analysis system with feedback of audiovisual stimulation signals for people who suffer stress


  • Nicole N. Montaño Ríos
  • E. Ariel Quezada Castro



Electroencephalography, Brain wave analysis, Alpha and beta frequencies, Audiovisual stimulation, Wavelet transform, Relaxation, Stress


In search of an alternative solution, faced with the great problem such as stress, this system is proposed, which consists of brain stimulation to induce people to a state of relaxation. The system acquires the electroencephalography signa[(alpha and beta signa[) through the Neurosky Mindwave Mobile device, and then through an algorithm implemented in Matlab applying the Wavelet transform, it can process, analyze and extract the main characteristics of the Alpha and Beta brain waves, which are related with the states of relaxation and stress of people, with this analysis, the changes produced by audiovisual stimuli can be corroborated. Auditory stimuli are used, based on binaural sounds and visual stimuli of strobe lights that work an Alpha wave frequency, thus, the system allows the analysis of brain waves and provides audiovisual stimulation to induce states of relaxation and reduce levels of stress in people.


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How to Cite

Montaño Ríos, N. N., & Quezada Castro, E. A. (2018). Development and implementation of an alpha and beta wave analysis system with feedback of audiovisual stimulation signals for people who suffer stress. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 14(43), 34–46.



Scientific Paper