Design of an Electric Motor in Wheel for Experimental Electric Vehicles


  • José Alejandro Cáceres Corrales



Electric Motor, Wheel Motor, Brushless Motor, Back Electromotive Force


This project aims to perform the theoretical design of an engine capable of being coupled to the wheel of a car, the engine selected is Brushless DC type, the main feature of this motor is the use of permanent magnets and the good relationship that exists in the developed power and its size. During the first part of the work, the main characteristics of the motor, the configurations and possible forms of construction, as well as the basic mode of operation are explored. In the next chapter the project engineering is developed where the specific motor parameters are determined, such as the 40 Kw power, the 2600 RPM angular speed and the 800v DC required power supply. Finally, the selection of permanent magnets, the number of slots, the number of magnetic potes and the necessary magnetic and electrical parameters are developed. A simulation was also performed using the ANSYS MAXWELL program and the RMxrprt tool, the values obtained during the simulation have similarities with those calculated. Another fundamental part of a Brushless DC motor is the switching circuit which is also developed in the present project, the PIC 16F887 was selected to perform this task.


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How to Cite

Cáceres Corrales , J. A. (2018). Design of an Electric Motor in Wheel for Experimental Electric Vehicles. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 14(44), 35–52.



Scientific Paper