History of Spanish Cuisine, the Parlor of the Current Latin American Cuisine (III B. C. to XVIII A. D)


  • Alberto Zegarra Dorado Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Rolando Salamanca Castaños Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Marcelo Fernández Saracho Universidad Privada del Valle




History of Latin American cuisine, Spanish Gastronomy, LatinAmerican cuisine, Pre-Hispanic and Spanish Cuisine


When discussing the origin of contemporary Latin American cuisine, we must refer to two aspects: the preHispanic and Spanish cuisine. The first concerns to the feeding ways of the local cultures from Latín America, from the Aztecs and their ancestors; the inhabitants of the islands of the Caribbean Sea; the Chibchas in Colombia; the Incas in Peru and the Aymara in Bolivia, without neglecting the Amazonian cultures. The second has to do with the culinary customs of Spanish society that dominated this part of the world in a violent yet peaceful conquest, from the fifteenth century to the nineteenth century. Both sides in a process of continuous interaction a form of crossbreeding- have formed a gastronomic art of absoluta flavors with regional and local characteristics that make it unique. To understand this process it is necessary to analyze the history of both the pre-Hispanic cuisine and the Spanish. This paper begins with an explanation of the delicacies of the Spanish culture.


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SALAMANCA, Rolando. "Historia de la Gastronomía Universal". UNIVALLE, 2013.

DÍAZ SIMÓN, Ángeles. "Recetas con Historia". Ed. Ariel-España, 2011.

SUAREZ SAAVEDRA, Fernando. "Historia de la Gastronomía en Bolivia". Ed. Digital, Sucre, 2012.



How to Cite

Zegarra Dorado, A., Salamanca Castaños, R., & Fernández Saracho, M. (2014). History of Spanish Cuisine, the Parlor of the Current Latin American Cuisine (III B. C. to XVIII A. D). Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 10(30), 14–19. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v10i30.741



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