Water Intake for Consumptive Purposes Filter through a Gallery in the Community of Mosoj Llajta, Municipality of Yotala


  • Tania Camacho Cordel Universidad Privada del Valle




Water intake, Water sources, Human setlements and basic services, Getting drinking water


The human settlements development is closely related to water availability. lts vital importance is shown in social behavior patterns that result primarily as conflicts and migration. Water is vital far human existence; therefore populations which suffer a lack of this resource tend to leave their place of origin to locations with basic services.
In the department of Sucre, Mosoj Llajta community is deprived of this resource even though it passes near the gorge of Yotalilla.A feaslble alternative is the construction of a gallery that will capture filter water from the creek.
The main objective of the project was to make the design of an infiltration gallery far uptake of water in the creek Yotalilla, transported through intake pipe to a storage tank near the community far further treatment and distribution to the community of Mosoj Llajta. Performing appraisals on a pit on the creek it was found that despite having a minimum flow in the river bed this was increased to a few inches of the bed, and in the dry season despite the absence of water in the creek there is subsurface flow in abundance.


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How to Cite

Camacho Cordel , T. (2014). Water Intake for Consumptive Purposes Filter through a Gallery in the Community of Mosoj Llajta, Municipality of Yotala. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 10(30), 9–13. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v10i30.740



Scientific Paper