Educational Portals as Support in the Teaching-Learning Process


  • Remmy Fuentes Telleria
  • Rolf Beev



Learning Platforms, Assisted learning by information technology, Virtual Learning Platform, Learning processes


This article reflects the process of action research to implement an educational portal, based on a content management system that uses: Linux operating system, Apache as web server, MySQL as database manager and PHP as a language of server­side programming. The research was conducted far 4 months with students from the area of telecommunications, digital skills needs and then design and implement the web portal were observed. A salid and robust CMS was employed, as is DRUPAL, which is an open source, because its architecture is designed to work with modules from various contributors or even own modules. A learning portal is a virtual learning environment in which multiple tools and resources among others.
These features make the portal a complex system. In order to implement an educational web site quality, we rely on instructional design through the ADDIE model, which in its different phases, takes into account the context from analysis to implementation and evaluation of the final product, it mention that the evaluation process is not considered in the investigation due to the reduced time with which we worked.


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How to Cite

Fuentes Telleria, R., & Beev, R. (2014). Educational Portals as Support in the Teaching-Learning Process. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 10(32), 24–32.



Artículos Científicos