Design and Implementation of an Electronic System Language Translation of Bolivian Signs to Oral Language


  • Rodrigo Martínez Severich
  • Teddy López Monje



Electronic Translator, Sign language, Deaf people, Oral language


There are children, youngsters and adults in Bolivia who have hearing impairment caused by deficiencies, which generate disadvantageous situations and limiting the performance of social communication. The person with the hearing impaired ­deaf­ is torced to use an alternative visual­gestural communication system as first language, called Bolivian Sign Language (LSB). A set of sensors of flexion; acceleration and gyro are located in appropriate anatomic positions accompanied with other electronic components that make up the electronic system that is intended to provide digital equivalent information to different hand movements. The electronic system, with a graphical user interface designed specifically for it, does the work of translating the LSB to oral language in order to the deaf person can be able to establish communication with the whole social environment that ignores the use of this alternative communication system, LSB


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(1) INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTADISTICA Análisis de la situación de salud Cochabamba, 2009.

(2) MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN DE BOLIVIA, Curso de enseñanza de la Lengua de Señas Boliviana. La Paz: 2010.

(3) MINISTERIO DE EDUCACIÓN DE BOLIVIA, Diccionario bilingüe Lengua de Señas Boliviana/Castellano. La Paz: 201 O.

(4) KAPANDJI, A. l. Fisiología articular: Tomo 1 miembro superior. Madrid: Panamericana, 2006, 6ª ed



How to Cite

Martínez Severich, R., & López Monje, T. (2015). Design and Implementation of an Electronic System Language Translation of Bolivian Signs to Oral Language. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(33), 52–54.



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