Objects Ejector Robot Design and Implementation


  • Claudia Katerine Almanza Pastor




Robotics, Ultrasonic Sensor, lnfrared Sensor, Objects Detector System


As time passes the needs of people change, which is why the technology always tries to meet these needs, trying to automate everything as possible. lt is for this reason that one should know about using motors, sensors, microcontrollers, etc.; as they can be used in different applications that always end up benefiting the people.
The intention of this project is to implement a system on an objects ejector robot located within an established circuit. The project is based on the use of an ultrasonic sensor and infrared sensors. This article shows the implementation of a system that detects the presence of objects and expels them if they are within the circuit, using Arduino One and sensors. 


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(1) Sensor ultrasónico http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensor_ultras%C3%B3nico (28 de febrero 2014).

(2) PÉREZ, Diego. Sensores de distancia por ultrasonidos http://picmania.garcia-cuervo.net/recursos/redpictutorials/sensores/sensores_de_distancias_con_ultrasonidos.pdf (s.f.) (19 de noviembre 2013).

(3) Sensor Infrarrojo http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensor _infrarrojo (7 de mayo 2014).

(4) Sensor infrarrojo http ://tdrobotica.co/noticias/50-sensor-infrarrojo (s.f.) (7 de mayo 2014).

(5) Otros motores http://tienda.tdrobotica.co/categoria/55 (s.f) (28 de febrero 2014).

(6) SALCEDO, Pedro. PLATAFORMAARDUINO http://www.educagratis.org/moodle/course/view.php?id=473 (s.f.)

(7) THINKBIT. Sensor Ultrasonidos HC SR04 http://www.thinkbit.org/practica7/sensor_objdec_ultra_hc_sr04_7-2/(19 de noviembre 2013).

(8) GARCÍA, Jesús, ZAVALETA, Abraham. Sensor Óptico de presencia http://pacific.fip.unam.mx/cursos/sensor%20optico/index.html (2010) (28 de febrero 2014).

(9) NYPLATFORM. TCRT5000 IR reflex sensors Obstacle avoidance modules tracing sensor module http://www. nyp I atform. co m/i nd ex. p h p? ro ute=p roduct/product&product_id=747 (s.f.)(7 de mayo 2014)



How to Cite

Almanza Pastor, C. K. (2015). Objects Ejector Robot Design and Implementation. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(33), 47–51. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v11i33.718



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