Data Collection and Process System Design by a Wireless Communiction for a Rectangular Hydraulic Canal of Civil Engineering Laboratory at Univalle


  • Teddy Salvador López Monje
  • Daniel Mérida Bolaños



Signal Conditioning, Wireless Sensors, Data Acquisition, Wireless Communication, Hydraulic rectangular canal


This project involves the design of a system far acquiring and processing data by wireless communication far the rectangular hydraulic canal of the laboratory of Civil Engineering at the Universidad Privada del Valle, Cochabamba. This working tool will allow more accurate data in this area. In rectangular hydraulic canal, the water velocity has a laminar flow, which allows using a hydraulic windlass as sensor data acquisition in the project. With this tool we can monitor the speed of the water, because it is a very important far the practices at the Hydraulics Laboratory parameter. The data acquisition and data processing also has a hydraulic winch and a processing module data through Bluetooth wireless communication, which transfers data at a user interface that was developed in Visual Studio.NET, to store data in a database on a server WAMP (Windows Apache MySQL and PHP). The query of these data may be made from any mobile device with Internet access.


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How to Cite

López Monje , T. S., & Mérida Bolaños , D. (2015). Data Collection and Process System Design by a Wireless Communiction for a Rectangular Hydraulic Canal of Civil Engineering Laboratory at Univalle. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(33), 27–39.



Artículos Científicos