Own Software Transition to Free Software Advantages and Disadvantages on the Supreme Decree Nº 1793


  • J. Franklin Nestór Rada




Information and Communication Systems Legislation, Free software, Own software, E-government, Comprehensive Automation System


The State, in recent years, is undergoing majar technological changes that will constitute incremental progress towards modernization, inclusion and use of technology in society. lt has been established sorne regulations on the use of lnformation Technology and Communication to be progressive instrument towards modernization of the state. The content established in Presidential Decree No. 1793 concerns the regulation to enter the 'e-government' use of signature and digital certificate. Another aspect is the implementation of e-government and implementation of a plan so that over time ali subsidiaries of the State have access to free software tools for transparent work and use of information in public administration. Within this important process, it is pertinent to take into account issues on the advantages and disadvantages about own software and free software, since in the future it will become an important element far the State.


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(1) STALLMAN. www.fsf.org (10 de octubre de 2014).

(2) D.S. Nº 1793 (2013), Gaceta Oficial de Bolivia, www.gacetaoficialdebolivia.gob.bo



How to Cite

Nestór Rada, J. F. (2015). Own Software Transition to Free Software Advantages and Disadvantages on the Supreme Decree Nº 1793. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(33), 23–26. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v11i33.709



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