Temperature Control and Monitoring for Reconditioning Environments at Packing and Packaging Plant of Bagó Laboratory of Bolivia S. A.


  • Jorge Alejandro Martínez Leyva
  • Jaime Ricardo Peña Montaño




Reconditioning, Temperature Control, Temperature monitoring


Industries, as the years go, grow both in production and personnel, thus increasing needs to cover, in addition to better quality far products being produced, far that is required an engineering area called automation. Automation is the process by which control systems and information technology are used to reduce the need far human intervention in a determined process. The oriented industrial area is the next step after rnachining. The reconditioning are the environments where the machines that produce blisters containing tablets or capsules and dosage of drugs on powder among others. Far detecting the temperature in the primary packaging environments we have the LM35 temperature sensor, the arrangement being one environment, i.e. one in each environment in Blistered and other in metered environment. Which are in the air supply ducts, because nothing can exist within the plant environments by law.


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How to Cite

Martínez Leyva, J. A., & Peña Montaño, J. R. (2015). Temperature Control and Monitoring for Reconditioning Environments at Packing and Packaging Plant of Bagó Laboratory of Bolivia S. A. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(33), 9–22. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v11i33.708



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