Petrifilm Alternative Method Implementation to Determine Coliforms and Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria in the Dairy Industry Pairumani and SENASAG's Laboratory LIDIVECO


  • Augusto Guidi Figueroa
  • Wilma León Maldonado
  • Nadia Fernández Rivera
  • Joanna Gottret Muñoz



Mesophilic aerobic - Counting, Treatment of raw milk, Microbial count Petrifilm plate


Food industries and food microbiology laboratories in Cochabamba-Bolivia conducted severa! analyzes to food products to ensure their safety. In this project the requirements of two specific companies were identified: Pairumani dairy industry and food microbiology laboratory LIDIVECO-SENASAG, to implementan alternative method to identify and quantify indicator bacteria faster. For this purpose, an analytical, descriptive and quantitative study, where parallel testing culture media and tests traditionally used Petrifilm (Alternative Method) analysis to samples of milk and meat products were compared was performed.
The results of the determination mesophilic aerobio bacteria, coliforms and E. Coli obtained by the alternative method were reliable. Over .91 % of tests compared were equal; moreover, this alternative method efficiency was determined by measuring the savings in time, space, and equipment costs.


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How to Cite

Guidi Figueroa, A., León Maldonado, W., Fernández Rivera, N., & Gottret Muñoz, J. (2015). Petrifilm Alternative Method Implementation to Determine Coliforms and Aerobic Mesophilic Bacteria in the Dairy Industry Pairumani and SENASAG’s Laboratory LIDIVECO. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(35), 58–65.



Scientific Paper