Environmental Policies Pursuit for Building Activity in the City of Cochabamba


  • Gaby García Arteaga




Sustainable environment, Life quality, Urbanism and ecology


The urgent need to solve sorne problems that involve injury to life quality of the inhabitants of any city, must  respond to the concerns postulated that display different activities without compromising the possibility that future generations will not have the resources within a given territory, considering the Ecological Footprint which could be submitted and that harms the good performance of various actions within the environment. This article described a set of concepts and also problems and strategies for defining the characteristics of buildings to achieve a greater sustainability and ecoefficiency.


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How to Cite

García Arteaga, G. (2015). Environmental Policies Pursuit for Building Activity in the City of Cochabamba. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 11(35), 15–18. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v11i35.687



Scientific Vulgarization Paper