Migration Plan from IPv4 to IPv6 for an Internet Network Service Provider (ISP)


  • Remmy A. Llanos Gomez




Datagrams, IPV4, IPV6, Internet protocols


Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) has been the main protagonist of development and expansion of the Internet in recent decades. Internet service with the client-server model is based on a core team of network management which multiple clients access where email service is one of the most used. Generally, SMTP protocols are used to send mail messages, and POP3 or IMAP4 to retrieve the messages. In addition, each day is more common the need to send or transmit audio and video over the Internet and/or lntranets. The multimedia transmission is based on the model is also based on the client-server. Far the problems in IPv4: the saturation of address space; hinder the use of the Internet to new users; and reduced bandwidth; an Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) has been developed, which corrects these problems and creates the basis far the development of the Internet in the coming decades.


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Marrakech, M. (Abril de 2009). IPv4 and IPv6 lntegration. Recuperado en Agosto de 2009, IPv6 Deployment and Support:

Blanchet, Marc. Migrating to IPv6: a practical guide to implementing IPv6 in mobile and fixed networks. Inglaterra: John Wiley & Sonsltd., 2006.

www.cisco.com Cisco IOS IPv6 Configuration Guide, Release 12.4, Estados Unidos: Cisco Systems, lnc., 2008. 648 pp.

TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview, Lydia Parziale, David T. Britt , ... 8ª edición (Diciembre 2006).

Loshin, Pete. IPv6 clearly explained. Estados Unidos: Margan Kaufmann Publishers, lnc., 1999. 297 pp.

Miller, Mark A. lmplementing IPv6. 2a ed. Estados Unidos: M&T Books, 2000. 406 pp.

Ramírez, Sergio, María Cervantes. Introducción al IPv6. Universidad de la República.

Waddingtin, Daniel G, Fangzhe Chang. Realizing the Transition to IPv6. IEEE Communications Magazine. Vol. 6, issue 3., pp.38-48., Junio 2002. https://doi.org/10.1109/MCOM.2002.1007420

Mark A. Miller, M&T Books lmplementing IPv6, 2nd Edition, 2000



How to Cite

Llanos Gomez, R. A. (2016). Migration Plan from IPv4 to IPv6 for an Internet Network Service Provider (ISP). Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 12(36), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v12i36.682



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