Swarm Algorithms


  • Gloria Estefanía Torrez Terrazas
  • Benjamín H. Buitrago Conde




Optimization algorithms, Evolutionary computation, Community behavior


Nowadays, it is common the use of artificial intelligence techniques to salve a variety of economic, financial, social and control problems. These techniques include algorithms swarm intelligence, which is a behavior-based approach bee, imitating their skills to salve problems. The bees' swarm algorithm is divided into two classes according to the foraging and by mating. The first class is based on the behavior of bees in search of their food source called ABC (colony of artificial bees), which is the newest search algorithm in the area of collective intelligence, is used to find good solutions to optimization problems, i.e., in the search far solutions to operative research problems.
The second class is based on the mating process of bees, called HBMO (bee mating optimization), and has been implemented successfully in problems of scheduling, data mining, optimization and unrestricted.


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How to Cite

Torrez Terrazas, G. E., & Buitrago Conde, B. H. (2016). Swarm Algorithms. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 12(36), 23–29. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v12i36.680



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