Refrigeration Cycles Expansion Analysis and Study and their Influence on the Energy Efficiency Coefficiient by Comparing Analytical Calculation, Simulations and Experiental Tests in a CO2 Laboratory


  • Alejandra Arevalo Kollros



Vapor compression cycles, Expansion valves, Simulations, Energy Efficiency Ratio, Superheat


This paper presents an analysis and study performed on the influence of the expansion devices in the coefficient of energy efficiency in vapor compression refrigeration cycles, since this type of facilities for cold production of cold using this type of cycles represents a high percentage of energy consumption. The study used mathematical models which can sirnulate and predict their behavior through an analysis onthe change of overheating, and its influence on the energy efficiency coefficient. Two types of electronic expansion valves were compared: the pulsed and continuous, through simulations with the software for refrigeration CoolPack; analytical calculations and
execution of experimental tests; knowing that to achieve an energy reduction next operation should have a limit of thermodynamic efficiency. 


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How to Cite

Arevalo Kollros, A. (2016). Refrigeration Cycles Expansion Analysis and Study and their Influence on the Energy Efficiency Coefficiient by Comparing Analytical Calculation, Simulations and Experiental Tests in a CO2 Laboratory. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 12(37), 57–65.



Scientific Paper