Bamboo's Structure Analysis and Design Based on Fuller's Geodesic Dome Application on Affordable Housing in Bolivia


  • Nils Fernando Flores Gutiérrez
  • Gastón Claure Gantier



Design, Architectural Structures, Bamboo structures, Buckminster Fuller Geodesic Sphere


Geodetic domes are a response to the geometric division of the sphere, in order to achieve the greatest number of equal parts in its construction and a mesh that evenly distributes the efforts. It is a spherical structure composed of a network of triangles, which are composed of straight bars of close lengths. This geometry is characterized by its efficiency, both structural and in the use of resources for its construction. Bamboo is a plant species that grows in different regions of the world. Currently more than 1.250 species are known, so they are found in various sizes (heights) and diameters, expanding their possibility of use in various sectors. Its rapid growth is a distinctive feature that favors its renewal and reproduction. The flexibility and strength of the bamboo are two properties that make possible its use as a construction material. The resistance it has made has been compared to steel, which is why it is called "vegetable steel". Through a proposal of economic housing, the geodetic dome of R. B. Fuller was proposed as a structural system and bamboo as a constructive element. The work includes the analysis of the geodetic structure, design of bamboo elements and a cost evaluation.


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How to Cite

Flores Gutiérrez, N. F., & Claure Gantier, G. (2016). Bamboo’s Structure Analysis and Design Based on Fuller’s Geodesic Dome Application on Affordable Housing in Bolivia. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 12(38), 46–57.



Artículos Científicos