Biomedical Equipment Electrical System Reengineering at Northen Maternal Child Hospital


  • Valeria Alejandra Aguilar Verdún
  • Víctor Hugo Córdova
  • Rodrigo Salinas Bloch
  • Isabel Morales Ledezma



Electrical system – Reengineering, Electrical installations, Electrical system redesign


The present project proposed the biomedical equipment electrical system reengineering at the Northern Maternal Child Hospital in the city of Cochabamba. Through a descriptive investigation the biomedical equipment electrical power consumed, the planes and the load charts of the infrastructure were analyzed. Also, the design of the emergency, grounding and isolation systems was studied. The proposal for the redesign of the electrical system was based on National and International Standards (NB777, NEC, NFPA, AEA) for hospital premises. The protection systems proposed in the most relevant areas were formed by independent panels that achieve greater control and care. On the other hand, in the areas of critical care the need to implement isolation transformers was identified.
Finally, for the continuity of the electric service, an electric generator was calculated and the incorporation of an uninterruptible power system in line with the generator.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Verdún, V. A., Córdova, V. H., Salinas Bloch, R., & Morales Ledezma, I. (2016). Biomedical Equipment Electrical System Reengineering at Northen Maternal Child Hospital. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 12(38), 32–41.



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