A Drone Development for Telemetry Applications


  • Alan Mihael Escalera Torrico
  • Edgar Roberto Ramos Silvestre




Drone, Telemetry, Robotics, Artificial vision


The study and development of drone was investigated from the mathematical model which was dynamically unstable. A behavior simulation was performed using systems of differential equations using Matlab and Simulink where movement and displacement was observed. The hardware has different features that allows the operator to manipulate the drone freely, has a range of about a kilometer away to be controlled as well as the transmission of video in real time, with a total weight of 2,4 kg and its runtime flight reaches up to 10 min. The development of the software was programmed in C#, the interface is simple and user friendly to understand, and in this it is possible to see the controls for picture taking and video. It also has a space where can be observed the values of carbon monoxide, temperature and humidity in a graph, and are stored with date and time for study after exporting the values from the database.


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How to Cite

Escalera Torrico, A. M., & Ramos Silvestre, E. R. (2016). A Drone Development for Telemetry Applications. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 12(38), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v12i38.663



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