Hazard Identification Tool Application and Risk Assessment for a Plastic Company


  • Paul Jeison Ortuño Guzmán
  • Erika Arze Cors




Industrial Security, Industrial hazards identification, Industrial risk assessment


Based on the company's historical data, it was located on a cultural leve! of reactive industrial safety, for this reason, there was the need for a correlational research with a quantitative approach, in order to design and implement a tool for hazard identification and risk assessment according to the specific requirements of the company. Among the determined specific objectives, the values of the probability and severity variables that were used in the form of records, resulting the most frequent types of hazards in the company are mechanical risks with 61 ,4 0 % ; and ergonomic risks with 2 1 . 5 3 % . After finishing applying the tool, risk levels priorítization were considered only by those defined as critica! to give a proposal for controls that reduce or eliminate the risk.


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How to Cite

Ortuño Guzmán, P. J., & Arze Cors, E. (2016). Hazard Identification Tool Application and Risk Assessment for a Plastic Company. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 12(38), 9–14. https://doi.org/10.52428/20758944.v12i38.661



Scientific Paper